And usage/installation etc.
About FadedManager
FadedManager is a minecraft plugin that you can use to send commands to your minecraft server via discord!
How to use/install it?
Step Download the jar file from dashboard ( https://xb3n6e.hu/licenses )
Step Move the downloaded jar file to your server plugins (yourserver/plugins)
Step Configure your Faded Manager plugin according to your taste. Before start it please get your license key if you don't have. If you have go to dashboard and check it: https://xb3n6e.hu/licenses
Step Start your server
If you have any problem or question of FadedManager please create a ticket in our Discord server!
There are a few important parts before you start your bot.
license-key: '' # Write here your license key from dashboard:
bot-prefix: "!" # Bot prefix for the bot to listen to
bot-token: "" # Bot token for start your bot
license-key: '' # Write here your license key from dashboard:
bot-prefix: "!" # Bot prefix for the bot to listen to
bot-token: "" # Bot token for start your bot
# dnd (Do Not Disturb), idle (Invisible), online (Online), "" (leave alone, invisible)
status: online # bot status
# watching, listening, streaming, playing
activity: watching # bot activity type
bot-activity-text: "www.xb3n6e.hu" # bot activity text
stream-url: "https://www.twitch.tv/xb3n6e" # bot activity stream url
# Discord Messages #
rank-added: "Successfully added %rank% to %player%!"
rank-removed: "Successfully removed %rank% from %player%!"
rank-set: "Successfully set %rank% to %player%!"
rank-addtemp: "Successfully added %rank% to %player% (%time%)!"
create-rank: "Successfully created %rank%!"
managerank-add-perm: "Successfully added %permission% to %rank%!"
managerank-remove-perm: "Successfully removed %permission% from %rank%!"
manageplayer-add-perm: "Successfully added %permission% to %player%!"
manageplayer-remove-perm: "Successfully removed %permission% from %player%!"
cmd: "You sent this command to the server: /%command%"
help: "Available commands:
\n!help - Check available commands,
\n!rank add <playerName> <rank>
\n!rank set <playerName> <rank>
\n!rank remove <playerName> <rank>
\n!rank addtemp <playerName> <rank> <time>
\n!createrank <rank name>
\n!managerank addperm <rank name> <perm>
\n!managerank removeperm <rank name> <perm>
\n!manageplayer addperm <playerName> <perm>
\n!manageplayer removeperm <playerName> <perm>
\n!cmd <your command with />
logchannel: "1143998360882262071" # logchannel where send the log embeds
used-title: "Discord Bot Logs" # embed title
used-cmd: "<@%user%> used '**%prefix%%commandname% %command%**' command!"
# embed description to log commands
# Placeholders:
# %user% - user id (discord user id)
# %prefix% - bot prefix (bot-prefix)
# %commandname% - command name (example: 'rank')
# %command% - from arg 2 (example: 'add userid rankname')
Last updated