And usage/installation etc.
About FadedInvite
The FadedVerify simplifies the verification process for server members by offering a straightforward set of commands. It ensures that users are granted access only once they have successfully completed the verification process, enhancing security and preventing duplicate verifications. The bot's "help" command is available to guide users through the verification process and any subsequent actions, making it a valuable addition to any Discord server.
How to use/install it?
Step Download the rar (winrar) file from dashboard ( https://xb3n6e.hu/licenses )
Step Move the downloaded rar file to your desktop or upload to your host
Step Configure your FadedVerify bot according to your taste. Before start it please get your license key if you don't have. If you have go to dashboard and check it: https://xb3n6e.hu/licenses
Step Start your bot with
node .
or start in your host.
If you have any problem or question of FadedVerify please create a ticket in our Discord server!
There are a few important parts before you start your bot.
licenseKey: '2QCT9-BP6AT-RWW8T-LNMB6-HN3WJ', // ββ Enter your license key that you requested on our discord server!
server: {
// ββ Your host informations
domain: "localhost",
https: false,
httpPort: 8080,
Discord: {
token: "", // ββ Your bot's token.
botId: "", // ββ The bot's ID.
guildId: "", // ββ The server ID on where the commands will be deployed.
verifiedRole: "", // ββ Role that will be added to the user when they verify their account.
reCAPTCHA: { // ββ You can create here secret & public key: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create
// ββ Please use this type: Challenge (v2) - Verify requests with a challenge
// ββ "I'm not a robot" Checkbox - Validate requests with the "I'm not a robot" checkbox
secretKey: "",
publicKey: ""
module.exports = {
licenseKey: '', // ββ Enter your license key that you requested on our discord server! (Don't have such a key? Request access to FadedVerify! https://xb3n6e.hu/discord )
// ββ If you have problem with setup please contact with owner in discord! https://discord.gg/RXQPE9yYhm
server: {
// ββ Your host informations
domain: "localhost",
https: false,
httpPort: 8080,
Discord: {
token: "", // ββ Your bot's token.
botId: "", // ββ The bot's ID.
guildId: "", // ββ The server ID on where the commands will be deployed.
verifiedRole: "", // ββ Role that will be added to the user when they verify their account.
discordinvite: "", // ββ You can edit this here: assets/js/main.js (If you comment with '//' the code, you can disable.)
// ββ For users that want to have a role removed upon verification, if you want this, set remove-role to true, and set your remove role ID.
removeRole: true,
removeRoleId: "",
// ββ Set the bot's presence, for statusType see: https://discord-api-types.dev/api/discord-api-types-v10/enum/ActivityType
statusType: 3, // ββ 1 (STREAMING), 2 (LISTENING), 3 (WATCHING), 5 (COMPETING). Default is 0 (PLAYING).
statusMsg: "FadedVerify New version!", // ββ Bot status with statusType. Example: "WATCHING FadedVerify New version!"
status: "dnd", // ββ idle, dnd, online, offline
// ββ By default, rules are set to disabled, this means rules will be hidden. If you want to use the rules function, change disabled to your rules. Please ensure you use \n for each line break and do not use any symbols that could interfear with JSON.
rulesEnabled: true,
rules: "Type your rules here if rulesEnabled is enabled, ensure to use \n for new lines"
reCAPTCHA: { // ββ You can create here secret & public key: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create
// ββ Please use this type: Challenge (v2) - Verify requests with a challenge
// ββ "I'm not a robot" Checkbox - Validate requests with the "I'm not a robot" checkbox
secretKey: "",
publicKey: ""
Last updated