Move the downloaded rar file to your desktop or upload to your host
Configure your FadedTranslator bot according to your taste.
Before start it please get your license key if you don't have.
If you have go to dashboard and check it:
Import the required modules/packages with npm install command.
In pterodactyl host it is not required to use it, when you start the bot, the panel will run it for you automatically.
Start your bot with node .or start in your host.
If you have any problem or question of FadedTranslate please create a ticket in our Discord server!
// Please do not change these values because if you change it,
// the bot lost working!
"BuildAt": "13/03/2024",
"Version": "1.0.1",
"licenseKey": "WYIWJ-V7P1E-OGOJW-LSIPK-VPLVR", // your license key
"TOKEN": "MTIxNzE5ODkzOTQxNDA2OTI0OA.Gl6Eun.dpjHP9calZAYuXgfrXKBuG8cjI4hjgLuVKIpXU", // your discord bot token
"CLIENT_ID": "1217198939414069248", // your discord bot (client) id
"GUILD_ID": "1203420419332378664", // your discord server id
How to get Server ID?
Go to your settings (User Settings) and search "Advanced" page and enable "Developer Mode", and exit from this page.
Go to your server and click to your server name or server icon with right click and click to "Copy Server ID".
How to get Client ID?
Go to this link and select your application (bot) click to "OAuth2" and click to "Copy" button (Client Informations -> Client ID)
How to get Token?
Go to this link and select your application (bot) click to "Bot" and click to "Reset Token" button click to "Yes, do it!" (Discord will ask your authy or google 2fa code, or if you doesnt enable 2fa verification on Discord only ask your account password) and now click to "Copy"!
If you share your Discord Bot Token to someone we take no responsibility for it!
"comment": "Do not change these!",
"BuildAt": "13/03/2024",
"Version": "1.0.1",
"comment.": "Do not change these!",
"TOKEN": "MTIxNzE5ODkzOTQxNDA2OTI0OA.Gl6Eun.dpjHP9calZAYuXgfrXKBuG8cjI4hjgLuVKIpXU",
"CLIENT_ID": "1217198939414069248",
"GUILD_ID": "1203420419332378664",
"prefix": "Hey FadedTranslator! // Not working yet, use slashcommands",
"messages": {
"COOLDOWN_MESSAGE": "You are on `<duration>` cooldown!"
"commands": {
"translate": {
"commandname": "translate",
"commanddesc": "Translate text to the specified language.",
"commandcooldown": 30,
"options": {
"1": {
"name": "language",
"desc": "Translate to (Please use short name of language name. Example: EN, HU, DE)"
"2": {
"name": "text",
"desc": "The text what translate to"
"embed": {
"ephemeral": true,
"title": "Translation",
"hexcolor": "#7289DA",
"original": "Original:",
"translated": "Translated:",
"language": "Language:",
"flag": {
"enabled": false,
"msg": ":flag_%language%: | %language%"
"requestby": "Request by:",
"footer": "FadedTranslator",
"publicerror": "Error occurred during translation.",
"consoleerror": "Translation error: %error%"
"admin": {
"commandname": "admin",
"commanddesc": "Admin-related commands.",
"commandcooldown": 30,
"options": {
"1": {
"name": "stats",
"desc": "Get translate stats about this server."
"2": {
"name": "userstats",
"desc": "Get translate stats about selected user.",
"options": {
"1": {
"name": "user",
"desc": "Mention user."
"3": {
"name": "olduserstats",
"desc": "Get translate stats about selected user. (You need to put user id)",
"options": {
"1": {
"name": "userid",
"desc": "Put here user id."
"subCommand1": {
"errortouser": "No stats found for this server.",
"embed": {
"ephemeral": true,
"title": "%servername%'s Server Translate Stats",
"hexcolor": "#7289DA",
"totaltranslate": "Total Translate:",
"success": "Success:",
"failed": "Failed:",
"requestby": "Request by:",
"footer": "FadedTranslator"
"subCommand2": {
"publicerror": "No stats found for this user!",
"embed": {
"ephemeral": true,
"title": "%username%'s Translate Stats",
"hexcolor": "#7289DA",
"totaltranslate": "Total Translate:",
"success": "Success:",
"failed": "Failed:",
"requestby": "Request by:",
"footer": "FadedTranslator"
"subCommand3": {
"publicerror": "No stats found for this user!",
"embed": {
"ephemeral": true,
"title": "User Translate Stats (ID: %userid%)",
"hexcolor": "#7289DA",
"totaltranslate": "Total Translate:",
"success": "Success:",
"failed": "Failed:",
"requestby": "Request by:",
"footer": "FadedTranslator"